If you want to invest in a photovoltaic power plant, we can offer a complete solution for photovoltaic power plants of up to 10kW, 30kW or 300kW, depending on the roof area you have available, or up to 1 MW, if you want to make an investment with the power plant on the ground.
Examples of our offers can be found in the following documents:
Flamtron doo - Ponuda - FN elektrana 10kW.pdf
Flamtron doo - Ponuda - FN elektrana 30kW.pdf
Examples of calculating the return on investment can be found in the following documents:
Flamtron doo - Izracun isplativosti investicije - FN elektrana 10kW.pdf
Flamtron doo - Izracun isplativosti investicije - FN elektrana 30kW.pdf
The picture below shows the average annual insolation in Croatia: